About Attorney Ed Magauran


Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

Phone: 808-585-1000

Email: Contact Page

Aloha, I am Ed Magauran and at my office we help people get debt free. We “Dump Debt.” I have been practicing bankruptcy law over four decades and our office has thousands of very happy and now debt-free clients. We are solely focused on getting our clients free. That’s it.

Not all bankruptcy lawyers are like me. Many are very good at putting people on a conveyor belt and moving their cases down the line. After helping thousands of individuals, families and business owners successfully “dump the debt” in bankruptcy, I have learned that nothing is more important than personal attention to each client’s case. People rightfully say they hired their attorney and not a paralegal or someone else. When you hire our office you get me— you get me. While someone else may answer the phone, when you call, you will talk directly to me and I will direct my team. The buck stops with me. When you call my office, I talk to you on the phone. If you give me and my team the honor of hiring us, we all know that you want to hear it from the lawyer, and nobody else.

If you call, I will help.